A body-centered approach for healing and growth.

The Body Talks

Our bodies let us know when we are overwhelmed. In fact, they let us know all along the way, but we often don’t notice until an internal alarm signals that a boundary has been crossed. Exhaustion, sleep disturbances, shallow breathing, muscle tension — these are just some of the ways our bodies talk to us.

The Nervous System Adapts

Your nervous system can run your life until you address how it has adapted to people and experiences that have impacted you. When we experience something overwhelming to our body and mind, we develop unconscious (and conscious) responses to keep us safe. Some of these well-intended, but maladaptive, behaviors are so insidious that we don’t realize they have affected our health and sense of well-being until we can’t live with them anymore. It influences our daily lives — from medical diagnoses to relationship and work issues.

The Cycle Repeats

My work with clients starts at the body level, what is called a bottom-up approach. That is, we dialogue with what’s present in the body before the mind, addressing the nervous system’s responses of fight, flight, freeze and fawn. Somatic Experiencing™, which is the foundation of my work, helps you find safety and trust in your body.  We work to create connections to your life force while building your capacity to be with less desirable feelings and allow the natural release of energies your system has harbored for a long time. The body isn’t intended to accumulate the energy from difficult or traumatic experiences. Like animals in nature, our bodies are supposed to naturally release that energy, but our minds can thwart that biological process unintentionally, keeping us trapped in a cycle of trauma responses.

The Energy Releases

When we release those energies and patterns in the body, there is more access to the true self. You get to know yourself in a way that you never have. Who are you without those protective responses? Wouldn’t it be nice to know?
